Posted by Alexander
Today I’m writing on a train to New York. It has Wi-Fi so everyone is on their devices.
(Dad's comment) This is pretty much how the kids are seeing the USA |
Yesterday we went on a bicycle tour to a whole bunch of monuments to presidents and saw the White House. There were people outside the White House protesting because Obama thinks the U.S. should go to war with the Syrian government.
(Dad's comment) Christopher asked me whether these guys would change Obama's mind. Not sure, I said. What do you think? |
Kelvin (our guide), and the Washington Monument, which is currently undergoing earthquake repairs. |
The Jefferson Memorial (apparently he invented ice cream!) |
The Lincoln Memorial was the busiest by far. Easy to see why - it is pretty impressive. |
Christopher trying to help repair the earthquake damage. |
On the steps of the Lincoln memorial. Not monumented-out yet, but close. |
The FDR memorial - one of four rooms commemorating his record four terms in office. |
The Korean War Memorial, with soldiers walking through a symbolic rice paddy minefield. |
The Lincoln Memorial from the outside. There are four score and seven steps down to the reflecting pool below. |
The World War II Memorial. |
Our tour guide, Kelvin, taught us that the British and Canadians once attacked and set fire to the White House. This was very interesting to me. Especially the part where the British and Canadians got taken out by a tornado. Seems a little far fetched.
More Canadians storming the White House. |
Note the security out front, and the snipers on the roof. We think they were either watching us to make sure we didn't burn it down again, or keeping an eye on the Syrian protesters out front. One or the other. |
One other thing I learned on the tour was that the U.S. has a national Christmas tree which just so happens to come from the Colville National Forest. I just thought that was nice. There’s more that we saw but it’s too much to blog, but you can see most of it in the pictures.
kqr pf pu mtpzj mdba pz fbkqqs? bdzu rdpu uq ktdy hyqx iqo.
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