Saturday, May 24, 2014

Birthday Party!

Posted by Alexander

So yesterday was my birthday and I woke up to a sign that told me to sleep in. This is because Katie was setting up the party in the morning.

When I was finally allowed to come up, there was an awesome surprise waiting for me. Mom and Katie had made crepes. There was also a strawberry jam/syrup, banana, nutella, and Greek vanilla yogurt. Put all this together in a crepe and you get one of the best breakfasts I have ever had.

After breakfast we played a couple of games that Katie had made all by herself which was really fun. We played special birthday pictionary with cards she had made. After the games I got a few little presents. It is hard to get presents on the boat so we usually have to make do. Mom and Dad had got me a video game way back when Dad was in Red Deer but it’s a good game so no worries. Katie got me a jigsaw puzzle craft that she again made herself and Christopher gave me one of his orange slices when I asked nicely.  My Grandma and Grandpa also sent me some money, so I will get to buy myself something when I get a chance.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.

I got to wear the birthday hat to go with my crepes.

Even though it was my birthday the boat still has tons of things to be done so the late morning was all about boat jobs. I cleaned the barbecue and unscrewed the door clips for Mom to clean and then put them back on. Christopher and Dad changed around a bunch of ropes on the front of the boat and Katie did the dishes.
After all the work was done it was lunch time. The awesome birthday meals didn’t stop as we had conch chowder with sourdough bread and dip. It was really good. Scrumptiously delectable might be the correct term. We then transitioned into a nice break time before the evening and the main event.

My presents were wrapped in blankets, with scarves for ribbons.  No wrapping paper mess to clean up!  Katie made the birthday decorations.  Apparently this was a party for nerds.
We walked over to west marine to get some things for the boat in the afternoon. Once we had what we needed we called a taxi and went to a mall with a theatre. We walked in, ordered a bunch of popcorn and watched the Amazing Spiderman 2. Here is a reviewish thing: The Amazing Spiderman 2 is a good movie with quite a few twists. It feels very long to watch and there are quite a few subplots. I was okay with this but Mom said it left her a little confused. Dad and Mom kept going on about how the Tobey Maguire movies were better and how they liked the first Amazing Spiderman but I thought it was worth the watch. If you are a fan of Spiderman you should definitely check it out.

 Back to the blog.  One thing that kind of annoyed us throughout the film was this: Godzilla was playing in the room next to us and every time Godzilla took a step we heard a huge bass boom. The sound was really ominous and every time I heard I thought something exciting was going to happen in our movie. When I figured out where the sound was really coming from I got a little ticked off. Also the theatre was very cold.

Birthday pictionary.
When we got out of the theatre it was really nice and warm and I was soaking up sunlight. After we all thawed out we went to a small Chinese restaurant in the mall. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!! I ate so much that I felt like I was going to explode. I have always loved Chinese food and there was a bunch of really good dishes that I didn’t even expect to like; the egg roll and shrimp toast would be prime examples. The zodiac was on all the menus so we got to see what our signs were. I was the rabbit which was lucky so that’s great. Unfortunately Mom, Dad and Katie were all roosters so they are my mortal enemies! (Not really). The only thing that slightly disappointed me about the restaurant was my fortune cookie. Everybody else got something really profound but, I kid you not, all mine said was: "You will receive a fortune (cookie)". That was it!  How is that a fortune?

Anyways I am complaining about nothing. My birthday was great and I had lots of fun. I’m fifteen now which is weird but I’ll get used to it. Until next time, bye!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you don’t need the best party hotel nyc to celebrate a fun birthday. I love the way your family did this for you. It was really sweet and you’re lucky to have them.
