Saturday, June 14, 2014

Breaking Up

Posted by Scot

I said goodbye to her today. It was hard to drive away. I'm not ashamed to say, I looked back with a tear in my eye. But it wasn't a surprise. We've known for months that this was coming.

It's not what I wanted though. We've come so far together, and it has been amazing. She has taught me so much. She has been there through rough seas. And long, scary nights. She has been dependable. And she has been beautiful.

It wasn't always perfect, though. She could be high maintenance at times. And expensive. But aren't they all? Sometimes she was temperamental. Sometimes frustrating. But the good days far outweighed the bad. And the great days, sailing along in a warm tropical wind under a blue sky, or anchored off a deserted beach, looking up at the stars, made it easy to forget any difficulties we ever had.

We tried to make it work. I really wanted us to stay together. But she's from the East coast, and I'm from the West. In the end, it just wasn't practical for her to move. We thought about doing the long distance thing. Maybe flying down on vacations a couple of times a year so we could be together. But everyone knows that never really works out in the long haul.

Anyway, none of that will happen. She belongs to someone else now. I really hope they are as happy together as we were. And that they share the same sense of fun and adventure that made her so special.

Maybe someday, her place will be taken by another. But not for a while. I'm just not ready. Even when that day comes, I'll never forget her. She was my first, and she'll always have a special place in my heart.

Good bye Monashee. And good luck. I wish you fair winds and following seas, always.

Good bye Monashee.


  1. Shedding a few tears for you here in Jakarta! So sad to say goodbye.

  2. Congratulations on your fantastic adventure. Val and I have enjoyed your blog. All the very best....
    Bruce & Val (Windrush)

    1. Hi Bruce and Val,
      Great to hear from you. Thanks for the congratulations. We are happy to be heading home, but sad to be off the boat. We still have a bit of adventure left, as we tour back across the states. Hope you are both well. Meeting you was definitely a highlight of our trip!


  3. We heard about your wonderful adventure Scot. I'm glad that you are all okay and well. Good luck on your next adventure and for sure it will be another memorable moments for the whole family :) Take care. -Maria Wong,RN (RHS)-

    1. Hi Maria,
      Its great to know you found our blog. I am glad you joined us for some of our adventure! I hope all is well in Richmond. Hi to you and all the staff there!

