Posted by Alexander
I made a new friend on the beach on our last day on Grand Cayman. |
We left the Caymans something like three days ago. We were supposed to reach Honduras a day ago. Food supplies are running low. If this reaches anybody please send help.
Naw I’m kidding, we made it so you can quit phoning the Coast Guard. The passage took three days and it was tiring and sort of cool. We left the Caymans prepared to be sick and tired by the end, but Mom and Katie had gotten something to help with that. Sea Bands. These cool little wristbands with acupressure knobs that push against your wrist. They’re supposed to help you not feel seasick and they worked! I don’t know if they are actually doing anything or it’s all just in our heads but one way or another nobody got very sick.
Cuddles, modelling the Sea Bands. |
Katie, also modelling the Sea Bands. |
While we were under way we had a system for watches. I would do the first watch which was early in the night. This would give everybody a chance to rest a bit. Then Dad would watch for the middle of the night, Mom would go till morning and then Christopher would let us all rest and take over. It worked well and nobody drowned so that’s a success if you ask me.
We stopped on a little island called Isla Santanilla, or Swan island. This was a tiny little place that probably didn’t even appear on most maps. We decided to stop for a few hours, have lunch, take a break and head on out. We had to deal with Hondurans however.
Christopher, keeping watch. |
Mom had to dodge these guys during one of her watches. Good thing she was keeping a close eye out. |
They had a little shack and a dock but no boat. They were there for the government. To keep an eye out for rebels or something like that. They told us they had been there for two months. They must have been really bored and we went over to show them our papers and stuff. They only spoke Spanish so Dad and I took a radio with us in the dingy when we went over to meet them. That way Mom could translate if needed. So Dad and I were over there and there were only a few problems. One was no one spoke English. Two was our papers were written in English. Three, it was very unsettling to be in these people’s presence because every single one of them had a huge rifle slung over their shoulders.
I was able to provide some help with the Spanish, Mom helped out too. Another man came up and was smarter than the others. He looked at the papers and would make gestures like “Is that the size of the boat?” Dad would nod. “That’s the name?” Dad would nod again. In this way we managed to work everything out and be on our way again as planned.
Coming in to anchor for a break at Swan Island. |
The day after that was the day of the Dolphins. In the morning Dad saw a huge pod come and swim with the boat. Two more came in the evening. It was quite exciting. Dad thought that we could hop down and ski on the Dolphins but nobody really gave it a try. We got some video of the dolphins, which we will try to post tomorrow if the internet is fast enough. The next day we arrived at Honduras.
Coming in to the Settlement on Guanaja, Honduras. |
To be more specific we arrived in the Bay Islands. To be even more specific the island called Guanaja. It is a very green place and I like it. Dad and I did customs again and thankfully no one was armed. After that we went and found a nice anchorage and here we are. It’s very nice even if it’s rained a lot. It’s very cool to be in Honduras because my friend Nik is from here ( Shout-out to Nik!). Anyway I have some math to do so I will write to you all next time.
The Bay Islanders seem to like to build houses on top of things. This building is on a big rock, just behind where we are anchored. |
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