Well, we've been down this path before, so we don't want to get too excited. Also, we don't actually have the paperwork in hand (something about power outages in Florida?) which makes things seem a bit fishy, but… we are told by our broker that we have an accepted offer.
I don't want to jinx the whole thing by providing too much detail. However, I think it is safe to say the boat is in Florida. It is one of the possibilities I saw on my initial boat buying trip.
Next step is to wait for the actual paperwork to get to us. Once we have that in hand, we will book another surveyor, and a haul out, and then some flights to Florida to do our due diligence on this one. Then, if all goes well… we will have bought a boat! If that happens, I will provide full details, with lots of pictures.
Wish us luck!